Hi all my blog reader thanks for your opinion regarding planning method yang u all bg suggestion and opinion, setelah ditimbang disukat dan dikira i have decided to try this method which highly recomended by my gynea, on 8 december i telah memasukkan dis thing inside my skin and the procedure is not so bad la, sakit tapi masih bleh tahan sbb sakit branak lagi sakit hehehe.. since i bersalin ni i da x takut jarum da may b sebb i da jumpe sakit yang teramat sgt kot... so far tangan i ok lagi smlm baru bukak balutan ade lebam sket, i nk upload gambar tapi masih blajar nk upload gambar gune i phone susah tul nk transfer gambar ke pc ni i tgh surf mcm mane nk transfer huhuhu
According to my gyne implanon is the best method for breastfeeding mother sbb die cume menahan daripada pengeluaran telur pada rahim so die xde la kacau bnyk sgt badan kita and x leceh nk makan2 pil everyday lagipun i ni jenis susah nk ingat makan ubat ni hehehe, so far for this few days xde rase ape2 susu pun ok xde kurg or whatsoever hurmm xtau mase akan datang so for now i dont have to worry about getting unexpected pregnancy hehehe cume dilema skang is takut nak "tuut" ayoo mcm mane ek masih terasa kengiluan disitu fobia tul huhuhu..

ReplyDeletedah ade result nyer yer.. he3.. selesai sudaaa..
thanks ena :p
ReplyDeleteBeb..my friend ckp pakai bender leh menyebabkan kiter gumuks...tp maybe bergantung pada tuannyer jugak la...aku takyah pakai pun gumuks jugak..huhuhuhuh...
ReplyDeletelinda: Dr ckp xde la ramai org komplen gemuks tapi kalu compare gan cucuk lagi ramai mostly semua huhuhu harap2 x ar hehehe