16 July 2009
Smlm was my birthday yang ke 27, tua plak rasenye ek huhuhu tapi dis year punya birthday amat bermakna bagi i becos this year i am celebrating my birthday with a baby on the way ;p sangat la happy okeh, sume wishes from friends sume ade related ngan baby, da mcm kongsi birthday lak hehehe tapi alhamdulilah sume friends and family wish the best for mommy and our little baby :p thanks to all!!!
Walaupun without any celebration only a dinner with mr hubby, itu pun da cukup ntah la start ngandung ni mende2 lain i da xheran sgt hehehe everything is all 4 my little baby inside my womb hurmm is it normal? even birthday present pun i xde nafsu nk request2 nie smpai mr. hubby tnye i nak ape slalu i la org yang akan bagi list hahahaha ;p
Ape2 pun i am ready to be a mommy in 2 month starting from now. My wish is to be a good mommy and wife, hope my hubby will support me till the end..

Our Lunch together Dinner x smpat amek gambar sbb lapar sgt huhuhu
dis year only one slice of cake saje da memadai hehehe
heppy birthday..moga u and ur coming baby sihat..yup anak adalah hadiah terindah kan...takyah present2 pun takper,hehe
ReplyDeleteI doakan semuanya selamat
Thanks nieda, betul i setuju skang mmg i xkesah sgt sume pasal baby je yg i pk hehehe
ReplyDeletewah untungnya u, takder strech mark yer.. me, dah 9 bulan makin menjadi - jadi lak tu...
ReplyDeletehi lara, so far xde lagi tapi xtau la akan datang skang perut ni rasa padat sangat kalu mkan lebey terus xle nk bernafas hehehe
ReplyDeletedear..happy belated birthday..sorry lambat wish..i baru sempat bersiaran.hehehehe
ReplyDeletethanks nurul ;p